737 Delaware Avenue
Suite 101 Buffalo, NY 14209
Main Phone
Primary Services
Alcohol Use Disorder Counseling, Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups, Case/Care Management, Drug Use Disorder Counseling, Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Drug Use Disorder Support Groups, Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups, Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups, General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups, Outpatient Drug Detoxification, Peer to Peer Networking, Substance Use Disorder Referrals
* Now seeing people in person by appointment only and practicing COVID-19 safety guidelines. Also, now serving all eight counties of Western New York - Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming - with offices/community centers in Erie and Niagara Counties. Call 716-984-8375 for appointment. *
An organization founded, led, and run by peers with a focus on harm reduction and community activism to help prevent addiction and raise awareness of the dangers of substance abuse. Provides professional triage to help facilitate the link between individuals seeking out services and treatment facilities. Services include detox assistance, inpatient treatment placement, transportation to treatment throughout NYS, linkage to outpatient and medically assisted treatment services, peer advocacy, and recovery coaching for the entire family unit.
House of Hope and Community Resources offer trained, certified Recovery Peer Advocates (Recovery Coaches) that meet with families and individuals "where they're at" in recovery or active addiction to discuss options for help and recovery, health and wellness, and after-care services. Weekly support groups are offered for family members and individuals in recovery or active addiction.
Virtual meetings available (via WEBEX, FaceTime, and Skype) for individual sessions and group activities. Insurance support/assistance available through the CHAMP Ombudsman Program in conjunction with the NYS Office for Mental Health (OMH) and Office for Addiction Services And Supports (OASAS).
Classes, educational events, and public forums are available to help educate the public, educators, law enforcement, and health professionals about the disease of addiction and the hope of recovery. Narcan Training also available.
An organization founded, led, and run by peers with a focus on harm reduction and community activism to help prevent addiction and raise awareness of the dangers of substance abuse. Provides professional triage to help facilitate the link between individuals seeking out services and treatment facilities. Services include detox assistance, inpatient treatment placement, transportation to treatment throughout NYS, linkage to outpatient and medically assisted treatment services, peer advocacy, and recovery coaching for the entire family unit.
House of Hope and Community Resources offer trained, certified Recovery Peer Advocates (Recovery Coaches) that meet with families and individuals "where they're at" in recovery or active addiction to discuss options for help and recovery, health and wellness, and after-care services. Weekly support groups are offered for family members and individuals in recovery or active addiction.
Virtual meetings available (via WEBEX, FaceTime, and Skype) for individual sessions and group activities. Insurance support/assistance available through the CHAMP Ombudsman Program in conjunction with the NYS Office for Mental Health (OMH) and Office for Addiction Services And Supports (OASAS).
Classes, educational events, and public forums are available to help educate the public, educators, law enforcement, and health professionals about the disease of addiction and the hope of recovery. Narcan Training also available.
Call for appointment Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
Open to all.
Service Area: WNY.
Service Area: WNY.
Intake Process
Call, email, visit website, or attend an event.
Program Fees
Free. Donations gratefully accepted.
Date of Official Change
Nov 08, 2022
Joseph Lapi (Primary)
Executive Director
Aleks Malejs
Associate Director
Avi Israel