Primary Services
Ex-Offender Halfway Houses, Ex-Offender Reentry Programs, Inmate Support Services, Offender/Ex-Offender Support Groups, Outreach Programs
Offers prison in-service support groups and reentry workshops, community support groups, re-entry classes, and transitional, supportive, and independent housing.
Office: Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm.
Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Eligible individuals must be or have been under community supervision. If under community supervision, a referral from their parole officer is required.
Service Area: WNY.
Service Area: WNY.
Intake Process
For housing: Submit a letter expressing interest in program no sooner than 3 months prior to anticipated release; if individual meets eligibility requirements, they will be sent an application, more information about the program, and rules and regulations. Application and signed rules and regulation should be sent back to Cephas House, and the individual will be sent a letter asking them to inform their Parole Officer of their interest in being released to Cephas House. Cephas will confer with the Buffalo Area Office of NYS Division of Parole, a determination will be made, and if approved, a letter will be sent to the individual to notify them of approval.
Program Fees
Social services support available if eligible.
Handicap Accessible?
Date of Official Change
Jun 09, 2020
Cindi McEachon (Primary)
Executive Director